We guarantee that your order will be processed using the highest quality professional equipment and each image will be digitally color corrected by trained professionals with backgrounds in graphic design.
We understand that your film & videos are priceless to you and having them converted to digital can be an overwhelming task, which is why we guarantee that we will treat your memories with the care and skill they deserve. We will help you every step of the way prepare your film & videos, and we will take care of them as if they were our own. We will ensure that all orders that leave our facility will be up to industry standards receiving the very best of care and attention.
We offer our one of a kind Online Organizing System for slides, negatives & photos that not only allows you to organize your many digital images but allows you to view the quality of our finished product. If there are some images that you don't want, just move them to the trash bin and they won't be on your finalized disc and you wont pay for them!*
If for some reason you are not happy with the overall quality, we will do whatever we can to make you satisfied with your product. We pride ourselves in satisfying our customers and preserving their memories for a lifetime. We want this experience to be enjoyable and will work hard to ensure that it is.
Still unsure? Here is what our past customers have to say. Testimonials
*Online Organizer allows you to delete up to 10% of images without paying. This applies to 35mm slides, 35mm negatives, mounted 126 slides and photographs. Can't be combined with any other coupon or discount.